We have many expert articles on Australian beer and Australian wine. What’s your tipple?

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  • A Guide to Victorian Wine

    A Guide to Victorian Wine

    Are you looking for a definitive guide to Victorian wine and wine regions? Perhaps planning a weekend getaway? Here’s all the info you need!

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  • What to do in Clare Valley

    What to do in Clare Valley

    Do you want to know the story of an early settler who was shot… by his camel? This is just one story which will resonate as you travel around the Clare Valley, and one I can personally identify with as that settler was one of my ancestors! I love the Clare Valley – it’s quite…

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  • The many interesting and useful uses of beer!

    The many interesting and useful uses of beer!

    Beer is one of the most popular beverages in human history. It’s actually the second most popular beverage in the world thanks to all those tea drinkers. It’s not all about drinking the stuff either, which is why I’ve decided to write today about the many interesting uses of beer which don’t involve drinking it…

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  • FACT: Beer Makes Men Smarter!

    FACT: Beer Makes Men Smarter!

    Beer makes men smarter… so say researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago. They found that men with a couple beers under their belts were actually better at solving brainteasers than their sober counterparts. To reach that surprising conclusion, the researchers devised a bar game in which 40 men were given three words and…

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  • Who drinks the most beer in the world?

    Who drinks the most beer in the world?

    Travel and beer are a perfect combination, so if you’re planning a post-COVID overseas beer-fest then let’s take a look at who drinks the most beer in the world so you can shortlist some great destinations! Did you know Australia isn’t even in the top 10 beer-drinking countries? Not yet, anyway (let’s keep trying!) Why…

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  • My best beer ingredient tips for Australian homebrewers!

    My best beer ingredient tips for Australian homebrewers!

    As a committed home brewer it’s a natural thing to have favourite beers and favourite ingredients that go into those beers. Yes, I’m one of those lone wolves of the home brewing scene because I don’t belong to any club, and I’m not interested in meeting specific style guidelines for competition. What I’m interested in…

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  • Malt in Beer

    Malt in Beer

    Malt is the body and soul of beers. It provides the raw material for the yeast to act upon and give the beer its flavours to compliment the hops. It is also the main source of the colour of the beer, and depending on the types and amount of each malt used the colour can…

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